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Past Issues - page 9

Organic Certification Streamlined and Simplified with iCertify

Corinne Impey The start of 2021 marks year two of using iCertify, COABC’s online organic certification system. Last year, over 150 members used iCertify to apply for, or renew, their organic certification. This year will see more members and more certification bo dies using the system for the first time, while many operators will be… Keep Reading

Footnotes from the Field: The New Relationship

Living in Harmony with Nature Marjorie Harris “Biodiversity is biosecurity.” – Paul Stamets “Living in harmony with Nature by 2050” is the world’s new collective relationship goal. This is an invitation to a new concept of relationship between all of humanity and all of Nature’s ecological biodiversity, both terrestrial and aquatic. This global vision, along… Keep Reading

Biodynamic Farm Story: Coping Without Cows

Anna Helmer Lament: No in-person farming conferences and meetings this winter. No chance encounters in the Trade Show, no delightful perusal and purchase at the silent auction, and no (insert acute pang of nostalgia here) food and drink. I regret all the ongoing unfinished conversations with people I see only annually but think about all… Keep Reading

Organic Stories: Urban Harvest – Syilx Territory, Kelowna BC

Many Strands Make a Strong Food Web Darcy Smith Farm-to-fork has come to embody the eating ethos of people seeking a deeper connection to healthy, local food—and Urban Harvest has been putting the “to” in farm-to-fork for the last 20 years. Lisa McIntosh co-founded the Okanagan-based organic home delivery service with her partner at the… Keep Reading

Ask an Expert: Wealth & Retirement Strategy

Planning In Your Thirties and Beyond Karen Fenske Developing a well-balanced financial strategy at each stage of life promotes peace of mind.  The wealth and retirement planning strategies outlined below are relevant for young farmers, whether you will own property or not. The need for supplemental income component has historically been a reality for many… Keep Reading

Gene Editing: The End of GMOs?

Lucy Sharratt There is a lot of excitement about “gene editing,” or genome editing, in the media and research community. In the farm press, genome editing techniques are being widely described as precise and, in some cases, non-GMO. Neither is correct. Genome editing techniques can be used to alter the genetic material of plants, animals,… Keep Reading

Footnotes from the Field: Waste Not, Want Not

Empowering the Human Micronutrient Supply Chain from the Soil Up Marjorie Harris I have long accepted that the saying “Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy people” fully explained the human nutrient supply chain. Turns out, this is not entirely accurate. In fact, the mineral requirements for healthy plants, animals, and people are quite different. During organic… Keep Reading

2020/Fall 2020/Organic Community

11th Annual Organic Week Celebrations!

Canadian Organic Trade Association’s 11th Annual Organic Week Karen Squires Canada’s National Organic Week is the largest annual celebration of organic food, farming, and products across the country, and this year marks the 11th anniversary! The celebration is a collaboration between the Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) and its members and partners to grow awareness of… Keep Reading

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