Since 1998, the BC Organic Grower magazine has been a go-to resource for BC’s organic community. Published quarterly by Organic BC, it features contributions from organic growers, researchers, educators and professionals from around the province. All Organic BC members receive a free copy of the BC Organic Grower, and non-member subscriptions are available. Subscribe online!

Editor: Darcy Smith
Layout & Design: Moss Dance

Letters & Submissions: We welcome letters to the Editor (300 words maximum) and articles (1,000 words maximum). Letters to the Editor are published at the discretion of the editor, based on relevance and suitability. Please submit to Darcy Smith, Editor at

The print edition of the BC Organic Grower is a great platform for advertising your product, farm, or service – check out our advertising rates and information for more information. For general information or to contact your local Certifying Body, contact the Organic BC office, or visit the Organic BC website.

Products advertised in BC Organic Grower are not necessarily approved for use by organic farmers/processors. Please consult the permitted substance list, CAN/32.3.11 for guidance. Your CB has the final authority for approval of inputs.

About Organic BC

Organic BC is growing the organic movement in British Columbia from the ground up. Our grassroots network of organic certifiers, farmers, processors and consumers is working to build healthy soil, ecosystems, people and communities. Together, we’re raising the standards for organic agriculture and transforming agriculture’s impact on the planet.

Our Vision

Toward an organic British Columbia

Our Mission

To cultivate a resilient organic movement in British Columbia

Guiding Principles

Supportive: We support and advocate for the organic sector.

Transparent: We demonstrate accountability and act with integrity.

Respectful: We consider the needs of all those in the food/agricultural system, and work to include them in our deliberations.

Forward-Looking: We work to build a resilient future for the organic sector.

Innovative: We develop new and creative paths for continuous improvement in our organization and the organic sector.

Collaborative: We work with each other, government, and other organizations to maximize impact.

For more information, please visit Organic BC online.

Funding support for the launch of the BC Organic Grower website in 2017 was provided, in part, by the BC Government’s Buy Local Program; delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC with funding from the BC Ministry of Agriculture.