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A Summer of Drought, Heat Waves, and Fire

It is definitely a topsy-turvy world right nowβ€”so much is out of balance as we can see in the wildfires around us, as well as flooding and more fires around the world. We’re feeling for Mother Earth and recognize the shifts that humans (particularly the extractivist, endless-growth mindsets) need to make to start to repair… Keep Reading

Fairness as Migrant Justice

By Susanna Klassen The organic sector has many roots, and has been strengthened by a diversity of movements and ideas. Though rarely acknowledged, the sector was given a significant boost in the late 1960’s when hundreds of thousands of Mexican farm workers mobilized millions of consumers in the United States to boycott the conventional grapes… Keep Reading

Federal Government Set to Abandon Organic Agriculture

By Jim Robbins The Canadian government is dropping funding for the review and interpretation of the Canadian Organic Standards (COS). The Standards must be updated every five years in order to remain relevant to evolving organic practice and in order to be useful in organic equivalency agreements with other countries. Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC)… Keep Reading

Ask an Expert: Fire Season Need-to-Knows

By Emma Holmes The BC Wildfire Service website has information on current wildfire activity, evacuation alerts and orders, wildfire preparedness information, and an interactive map, etc. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries (AFF) supports livestock relocation during emergencies. See website here for more information. AFF supports Wildfire 2021 Emergency Feed Program that is meant… Keep Reading

Let’s Hold Hands

By Natalie Forstbauer The emptiness of the Earth’s desertified soils is palpable. The insidious poisoning of our water is profound. The toxic air filling our lungs is suffocating. The mass extinction of life is alarming. The dis-ease in human bodies is dominating. We wonder, β€œWhat can we do? What can I do?” To change the… Keep Reading

Organic Stories: Kloverdalen Farm – K’ómoks Territory, Courtenay, BC

Learning and Sharing at Kloverdalen Farm Moss Dance Kloverdalen Farm is a beautiful patch of great farmland in the Comox Valley producing mixed organic veggies. It is owned and operated by Kira Kotilla and Ingemar Dalen, along with their two adorable kids, Eilif and Olin. I met Kira Kotilla in the Comox Valley. My five-acre… Keep Reading

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