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Organic Community - page 8

Why Your Food Choices Matter

CBAN’s New Public Education Tool to Support the Organic Solution Lucy Sharratt The gravity and gathering speed of the global climate and biodiversity crises threaten to paralyze many people who want to make meaningful change but don’t know where to start. Thankfully, organic farmers are already implementing concrete solutions that everyone can support. In the… Keep Reading

Organic Stories: West Enderby Farm

From Carrots to COR Darcy Smith Carrots: “hard to grow, but easy to sell,” says Paddy Doherty, who farms at West Enderby Farm with his partner Elaine Spearling. When late November rolls around and most vegetable farmers are finally kicking up their feet for a few moments of rest, Paddy and Elaine’s farm is still… Keep Reading

Ask an Expert: Organic Agriculture 3.0

History of the Debate About the Future of Agriculture Thorsten Arnold This article was first published by the Organic Council of Ontario on January 18, 2019, and is reprinted here with gratitude. The organic farm and food industry is facing major challenges. IFOAM, the international federation of organic agriculture movements, is spearheading a debate on… Keep Reading

Growing into the Future of Organics

Administrative Director, Islands Organic Producers Association (IOPA) The future of organic is on everyone’s mind these days, and many conversations have circled around change. Recently, organic growers have been presented with several changes, from organic becoming a protected label to new online tools, which means we’ve all had to find time to grow (farm pun… Keep Reading

Covert Family Farm - Portrait proud family vintners in vineyard

Organic Stories: Covert Farms, Oliver, BC

Fighting Drought through Complex Ecosystems By Emma Holmes Irecently had the pleasure of visiting Covert Farms Family Estate in Oliver, where Gene Covert, a third-generation farmer, gave me a tour of his family’s 650 acre organic farm, vineyard, and winery. Gene’s grandpa George Covert bought the desert-like piece of land back in 1959, and although… Keep Reading

Adapting at Fraser Common Farm Cooperative

Photos and text by Michael Marrapese In 2018 Fraser Common Farm Co-operative—home of Glorious Organics—undertook a year long on-farm research project to explore how small farms could adapt to climate change. Seeing the changes in seasonal rainfall, climate predictions by Environment Canada, and new ground water regulations from the provincial government, the cooperative could see… Keep Reading

A Community Food Lab Comes to BC

Community Food Analysis Laboratories Ron Wasik and Carmen Wakeling The Small Scale Food Processors Association (SSFPA) is a national trade association of processors, growers and suppliers of food and agricultural products which aims to help its members grow their businesses and expand local economies. A 2016 survey by the SSFPA revealed that there was a… Keep Reading

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