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Organic Community - page 7

For BC Fish Harvesters, Sustainability is a Way of Life

Marc Fawcett-Atkinson With a campervan-sized cabin and two children, a family dinner aboard Joel and Melissa Collier’s fishing boat is a lesson in gymnastics. There’s barely room for a plate—never mind elbows and legs—but the Comox-based family wouldn’t have it otherwise. “Fishermen don’t fish for money,” said Melissa Collier, a swimming scallop, salmon, and prawn… Keep Reading

COVID-19 Workplace Safety

Wendy Bennett – Executive Director, AgSafe BC It’s fair to say that there isn’t one farmer in British Columbia who has experienced anything like what we are going through right now with the COVID-19 outbreak. The invasive spread of the virus has forced most businesses to suspend or alter operations. In BC, food and agriculture… Keep Reading

Footnotes from the Field: Fairness in Organic Agriculture

Anne Macey Originally published in The Canadian Organic Grower, Spring 2018, and updated by the author in May 2020, with thanks. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) has established its Principles of Organic Agriculture. Within those, IFOAM includes a Principle of Fairness, which states “Organic agriculture should be built on relationships that ensure… Keep Reading

Organic Stories: Crannóg Ales, Secwepemculecw (Sorrento) BC

Rest is Key to Innovate (and Survive a Pandemic) Michelle Tsutsumi and Rebecca Kneen Starting this piece during the onset of COVID-19 in BC created a curious opening for Rebecca and I to delve deeply into what improvement means for organics (both of us speaking from a smaller scale perspective, with the need to hear… Keep Reading

BC Organic Conference 2020 Recap

“This is the moment for food in British Columbia.” BC’s Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham, opened the 2020 BC Organic Conference with a message of hope. In front of a very large crowd of organic growers, producers, and supporters, she spoke of the convergence of the increased demand for local food, a growing interest in… Keep Reading

Why Nature’s Path Embraces Real Organic & Regenerative Organic

Arran Stephens, Nature’s Path Founder, and Dag Falck, Nature’s Path Organic Programs Manager Pioneer organic farmers were the visionaries of their age. Like many other inspired thinkers born before their time, they viewed the ordinary in extraordinary new ways, working quietly and diligently towards an alternate approach, often years or even decades before the general population… Keep Reading

Biodynamic Farm Story: Unfinished Conversations

Anna Helmer At the recent COABC conference I enjoyed an unfinished conversation with a peerless organic industry leader about how certain words traditionally associated with our alternative/organic farming movement are being co-opted by mainstream agriculture. Case in point: General Mills using the word “regenerative” to describe some decidedly non-organic, chemically supported farming practices. Some consumers… Keep Reading

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