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Crop Production - page 6

A New Model for Integrated Habitat Development

For Bees, Birds, and Fish (IEHD-BBF) Saikat Kumar Basu Global bee populations are showing an alarming decline due to a number of factors like environmental pollution, indiscriminate use and over applications of various agro-chemicals, industrial agricultural practices detrimental to nature, changes in the land use patterns, and parasitic diseases of bees as well as lack… Keep Reading

Annual Clovers Suitable for Organic Production System

Saikat Kumar Basu Clover is the common English name for different species of plants belonging to the genus Trifolium comprising over 250+ species distributed across the planet. These are legume plants that belong to the plant family Leguminaceae (Fabaceae) indicating these are plants capable of successfully fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Clover is commonly used as a… Keep Reading

The Prairie Organic Grain Initiative

Cari Hartt Growing Prairie Grain The Prairie Organic Grain Initiative is a 4-year, $2.2M tri-provincial project dedicated to achieving resiliency and stability in the prairie organic sector by focusing on increasing the quantity and quality of organic grains, and developing relationships across organic market value chains. A partnership between Organic Alberta, SaskOrganics, and Manitoba Organic… Keep Reading

Certified organic apples

40 Years of Thinking Like an Insect

Bob McCoubrey Gary Judd is passionate about his work. As a researcher in tree fruit entomology at Agriculture Canada’s Summerland Research Station, he works hard at balancing his passion for doing the research with his enthusiasm for sharing his knowledge with growers—particularly organic growers, many of whom he has come to regard as good friends.… Keep Reading

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