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Crop Production - page 3

Biodynamic Farm Story: Convergence & Composting Chaos

By Anna Helmer Well, I am thrilled to discover that the likely theme for this edition of BC Organic Grower magazine is: Composting Chaos. The suggestion that chaos may be composted is encouraging and practical…and it is always a treat to find something compostable that is in such good supply. Further thrills at the possibility… Keep Reading

What is Agriculture’s Legacy?

Book Review: Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff By Hans Forstbauer I recently read Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff, a quintessential book on the agricultural chemical glyphosate. Her book has assembled and consolidated decades of research and data giving an in-depth explanation of the devastating impact this chemical has had—and continues to have—on not only human… Keep Reading

Biodynamic Farm Story: Late Pandemic Musings on Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Anna Helmer The Biodynamic baseline regeneration mission: replace the vitality of the soil—successfully drawn into the plants and then removed along with the crop, for consumption. In Biodynamics, the way to do this is through composting—the creation of humus that supports soil to regain its power. The Biodynamic Compost Preparations are the fertility tools of… Keep Reading

Ask an Expert: BC Farmers & Ranchers Learning Together

Emma Holmes The Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes (SAL) Lab at UBC’s Faculty of Land and Food Systems is taking a collaborative approach to research that supports producers in making management decisions that are science-based and regionally grounded. I recently had the opportunity to catch up with Sean Smukler, DeLisa Lewis, Amy Norgaard, and Raelani Kesler from… Keep Reading

Sparkly Eyes, Grit, and Land Access

New Organic Farmers on Leased Land Tessa Wetherill Spring on an organic produce farm looks like baby greens, tiny radishes, overflowing seedling greenhouses, and freshly turned soil. Everything feels precious and new and brimming with possibility. Touring around Loveland Acres in Salmon Arm with farmers Robin and Maylene, those feelings were especially palpable and poignant… Keep Reading

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