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Organic Community - page 9

Biodynamic Farm Story: Cosmic Compost

Anna Helmer Hello and welcome once again to The Biodynamic Farming Experience for the Celestially-Challenged: a partly-formed, poorly-articulated, and over-hyphenated chronicle of a particular journey in which a woman-farmer-of-a-certain-age-and-experience (me) delves into the theory and, more importantly, the practice of Biodynamic farming in search of fun and the future of farming. Rambling along here, aren’t… Keep Reading

2019 BC Organic Conference Recap

Stacey Santos One snowy Sunday morning in Vernon, I found myself contemplating a selection of bolt guns. I listened as a panel of organic farmers explained their uses, their modifications, and the proper way to ensure an ethical death. You only have one chance to learn how to do it right and do it properly.… Keep Reading

Organic Stories: Gabriola Food Hub

A Two-Wheeled Ride through Gabriola’s Growing Local Food Economy Hannah Roessler Graham Bradley is a busy guy. I catch him on a rare day off to talk about the Gabriola Food Hub, but we end up delving into the importance of cultural shift, decolonization, green transportation, feeding passions, and systems thinking. The spill over into… Keep Reading

Meat from Here

Challenges to Localizing Meat Production Tristan Banwell Consider for a moment the complexities of the industrial meat supply chain. Livestock could be born on one farm, sold and moved to another location for finishing, trucked to yet another premises for slaughter. The carcass will be butchered and processed at a different location, and sold at… Keep Reading

An Ode to the Farmer

Josh Brown …It was a few days ago at around 7 am when the sun peered over Fairview Mountain to kindly balance a rude 40 km/h south wind. It happened while I was neurotically leaning over the hood of my van trying to pick out a slightly different noise in the engine (of all things)… Keep Reading

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