Changes to internal mailing lists and COABC listserve

In addition to our very exciting website build and brand refresh, we’ve changed our email server, which has impacted our mailing lists.
Internal lists
Since the server switch, some emails have been ending up in users’ spam folders. We’ve sent emails to all of the lists—please check all of your folders and either re-add the emails to your “safe” list, or let us know if you didn’t receive any emails at all.
COABC listserve
The COABC listserve has a new address: All listserve members have been moved over to the new list, so there is no need to re-subscribe. As usual, simply email this address to reach all listserve members.
If you haven’t been receiving emails from the listserve, please check your spam folder! If you’re still having difficulties sending or receiving messages, please get in touch with us.
Wondering what the COABC listserve is all about?
It’s a forum for organic farmers and like-minded folk to post questions, answers and exchange ideas and share information in regards to organic production, marketing issues, current issues, events and more. It is primarily oriented towards practical issues related to organic agriculture in BC; however, we welcome participation from organic farmers and like-minded folks throughout the world.