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Organic Stories: Gambrinus Malting, Syilx and Secwepemc Territory

Meet the Middle Man in Your Beer Darcy Smith As varied and innovative as craft beer has become over the last decades, it ultimately still comes down to four main ingredients: water, hops, yeast, and, of course, malt—I had never really thought much about malt until I found myself peppering Ken Smith of Gambrinus Malting… Keep Reading

Biodynamic Farm Story: In Which Chickens Cause Compost Problems

Anna Helmer I guess everyone knows the main claim to fame of a perfectly-run Biodynamic farm is that it is a closed loop system. Everything needed by the farm is produced within the farm. Going outside the gate, especially for fertility, indicates a problem with farm health. Biodynamics, and particularly the preparations, are intended to… Keep Reading

Growing from Little to Big: How Salt Spring Coffee Navigated Growth

Ryan Kilthau In 1996, founders Mickey McLeod and Robbyn Scott opened a coffee roasting café on Salt Spring Island with the mission of bringing sustainable coffee to their island community. Salt Spring Coffee was born, and the freshly roasted coffee quickly became an island favourite, sparking conversations with customers about coffee quality and sourcing. In… Keep Reading

Biodynamic Farm Story: Where Anna Dreams About Taking Summers Off

By Anna Helmer I have hauled out my Biodynamic books to perform my annual winter Biodynamic brush-up. Brush-up isn’t the right term to use because it implies that I once understood it all, and now just need to remind myself of a few things. If only that were the case. No, it’s more of an… Keep Reading

Revision of the Canadian Organic Standards

By Nicolas Walser It’s that time again: the review of the Canadian Organic Standards! Every five years, the Canadian Organic Standards undergo a revision and an updated version is published. Organic standards need to evolve to address emerging challenges, technological advancements, and scientific research. The last revision was published in 2020—always be sure you are… Keep Reading

Where Scientists and Farmers Converge: The Summerland Research and Development Centre

By Annelise Grube-Cavers This fall, as part of the BC Organic Conference, attendees had the opportunity to tour the Summerland Research and Development Centre. It was quite exciting to wander around the 80s era research center perched on a hill above Okanagan Lake (if you get excited about that kind of thing, of course, and… Keep Reading

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