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2019 - page 4

Footnotes from the Field: Mother Earth is Heating Up

BC Crop Adaptation & Diversification in Climate Change Marjorie Harris BSc, IOIA V.O. P.Ag I have stood on my back porch trying to imagine what a three kilometer high Cordilleran Ice sheet would have looked like here 12,000 years before the last big melt. It is estimated that people arrived in BCโ€™s virgin landscape only… Keep Reading

GM Updates: Pulling Solutions out of Thin Air

The Dangers of Investing in the Promise of the Techno-Fix Lucy Sharratt For 20 years, the worldโ€™s biggest seed and pesticide companies have profited from selling genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) seeds that are tied to their brand name herbicide formulations. In fact, almost 100% of the GM crops now grown in Canada… Keep Reading

Workplace Safety Doesnโ€™t Come Naturally

Lennea Durant A solid health and safety program is important for any agriculture business, but workplace safety doesnโ€™t always come naturally. Often safety practices are implemented after the fact, once a worker has been injured. There are over 26,000 agricultural workers in British Columbia and 550 organic farms operating in the province.(1) Between 2013 and… Keep Reading

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