Living with Wildlife Archives - British Columbia Organic Grower
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Living with Wildlife

Agriculture and Conservation at Alaksen National Wildlife Area

Jordy Kersey The Alaksen National Wildlife Area (Alaksen) is a protected wildlife area in Delta, BC that utilizes agricultural production to provide habitat for migratory birds and other protected species. The area is unique in that the farmland is used to produce forage and habitat for the migratory waterfowl as well as cash crops (annual… Keep Reading

Organic Farming to Enhance Native Species

Tanya Brouwer Agricultural activities are often blamed for the demise of the planet’s environmental systems. It is not uncommon to hear about deforestation, drained wetlands, and dying grasslands when referencing agriculture. Yet the Canadian Organic Standard specifically states that “organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plants, animals, humans and the planet… Keep Reading

Pauline Terbasket, Executive Director of the Okanagan Nation Alliance releases Okanagan Sockeye Fry into Shingle Creek as part of a ceremony to restore salmon.

Return of the Salmon

Pauline Terbasket We have, like the salmon, remained resilient, persistent and determined to be leaders in this work by feeding our peoples and lands.” In January 2016, I had the opportunity to present to the Young Agrarians 3rd Okanagan Winter Mixer conference. I presented on our Syilx Salmon Recovery efforts and shared our successes and… Keep Reading

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