COABC COVID-19 Response

in COABC Blog

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, the COABC office has decided to take precautionary measures to protect our employees and our community.

The COABC office will move to a ‘work at home’ scenario for employees to implement recommendations regarding social distancing. Doctors are recommending that anyone able to work from home, should. By Wednesday, March 18, our employees will begin working from home rather than the office.

During this time, we ask that you contact us by email rather than phone. Our contact information can be found on the Contacts page on our website. We don’t anticipate our work being affected substantially β€” we will still be available to respond to your enquiries and provide support to BC’s organic sector.

And now, more than ever, we also ask that you continue to support our local food system. Organic farmers and producers across the province are working hard behind the scenes to ensure communities have access to fresh, healthy food. Many are implementing online ordering systems, home deliveries and other creative methods of making their food more accessible during these uncertain times.

We’ve always been inspired by the resilience of BC’s organic sector and the strength of our community and we know that together we will come out stronger than ever. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.